Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Glittering Candle Flame

A candle flame does not flutter
and is not extinguished
for it is determined to glitter
and not to be tarnished!
said “Dear devout,
Halt a moment and hark!
Here is a blemish-less monk
even in the dark!!”

Candle flame to monk

A candle flame fluttered and vanished
for, it wished not to be tarnished.
Said, "Ye monk, mind your deeds black
Character is what a man does in the dark!"

Thursday, March 08, 2012

An Angel

The chirping birds in their nests rush,
That brings in the ambience a holy hush,
The candles and incense the devout ignite,
With sounds of prayers the houses reverberate.
In his full home
He is all alone,
A man pious yet weak,
is bedridden, he is sick.  

Neither prayers, nor offerings
nor propitiating God, relieved his sufferings.
Hark! Clad in white, some one enters,
to alleviate suffering, medicines he delivers.

Goes away expecting nothing in return
and never to come again!
Can anyone tell by whom was he sent?
Or whence he came and whither he went?